Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Fox censors Sally Field for Anti-War speech, and her personal feelings on our government. Apparently you may not speak your mind about your feelings--and under the Patriot Act you may not have the First Amendment of Free Speech that you thought you did.

Take me to the VIDEO

Also check out the video of Comedian Kathy Griffin on her thoughts about religious gratitude during the Emmy speech. Is cencorship good or bad in this case? Is it a violation of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion? SHOULD THERE BE A DEBATE LIKE THE ONE ON CNN Give me your opinion--

Take me to the VIDEO


Amy said...

Go Sally Field and Kathy Griffin for making the Emmys a bit more interesting!! I happen to think that political statements aren't really appropriate in this situation, but it would be very hard to passionately believe in something and know you have a huge audience and not say anything. I'm glad it is OK to publicly criticize the war, the Dixie Chicks wouldn't even make headlines anymore for the statements that almost destroyed their career.
Regarding Kathy Griffin, oh come on people, get a sense of humor. So she won an award giving credit to her unique sense of humor in which she makes fun of everything and everyone. It is ridiculous that her acceptance speech is being edited out. What did they really expect? HELLO, she likes pushing buttons. Its why she won. Maybe it is just Fox being Fox or maybe all the networks are trying not to push the envelope too much. But Americans need to become a little less conservative and open minded and that isn't going to happen if even the Emmys can't get aired without censorship. By censoring everything the conglomerates are taking away our ability to think and digest things for ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin,
Can the public not handle such a comment from Kathy Griffin? Is the network opposed to airing a person's direct statements of religious ideology? If so, then I would like to see all references to Christianity edited out as well. One's religion should be strong enough to not be affected by one comic's statement. Are people so weak that any anti-religious statement must be struck from television to preserve their beliefs?
And one more question: Do you know how to spell censorship?

Anonymous said...

Jesus died for Kathy and this is how she thanks him? Telling Jesus to perform a commonly quoted wrestler's gesture is offensive and disheartening.

Jesus enabled Ms. Griffin to develop into a comedian in the first place. Her shameful acts should be banned. They should censor Kathy altogether since she appears to be a religious oppressor.

After all, God built this country. That's why we print "In God We Trust" on our currency and say "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegience. He guides us.

Can't we all just love those that love us?

O said...

I do not believe Sally Field's statements should have been edited. If anyone watches the show 'Brothers & Sisters' her character is the mother of a soldier who's been to war, came back, and is being deployed again. All while trying to fight dealing with PTSD. We must understand that criticism of the war does not mean lack of support for the troops.

Kathy's statement about God may have been offensive to me but it does not mean she had to be censored. I am quite capable of censoring my own content and forming my own opinions. Her statements do not rock my faith in any way. If what she said offended me I could just as easily not watch her show or not go to her concerts.

To me censoring the Emmy's just gave it more attention. Sally Field was the highlight the next morning and the hunt was on to find an uncensored version.

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